Branded apps and purchase behavior
Writing a shopping list using the Appie app, checking when the next train arrives with the NS app, searching for the latest fashion...
Is the TV still the first screen?
Nowadays, people have a lot of additional screens that can be used simultaneously while watching TV, such as a smartphone, tablet or...
Native Advertising. Are consumers being deceived? A new study suggests this is the case.
Photo Doug Kessler Native advertising is a relatively new word to describe advertiser-sponsored content disguised as editorial content....
Home is where the heart is? The role of identity in populism’s persuasiveness
Most scholars agree that populism is a highly persuasive communication strategy. As a reader of this post, you may be inclined to think:...
Trust me, I’m a journalist!?
The journalists’ uncertain role in fading public trust “Healthy skepticism is good for democracy,” and “trust is necessary for the...