Doing a Joint-PhD: The Pros and Cons of a Dual Degree Adventure
Are you considering pursuing a Joint-PhD program, or you’re just curious to know what it is? Then this blogpost is perfect for you! I...
Smart speakers as new family members
The popularity of smart speakers Almost everyone has by now heard of Virtual Assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant that can be...
Hey Google! What’s in the news?
Voice assistants The usage of conversational agents (CAs) such as Google Assistant and Alexa doubles every year. CAs can be used to...
How Loud Did They Bark? - The Watchdog Role of Journalism in the Age of Big Tech
The past two decades have witnessed a meteoric rise of Big Tech(nology) companies to powerful political players in our societies. To...
Teaching Statistics? Here’s how to make it less daunting for students
From the outside, it might look like PhD-students are only concerned with their dissertation. But, for many, PhD-life includes more than...