As of mid-April, two new editors will take over ComCom: Edina Strikovic and Linda van den Heijkant.

We are happy to leave ComCom in good hands. Over the course of the last (almost) two years, we learned a lot about scientific research. The posts published during our time as editors covered a wide range of research topics, from populism, microtargeting, and hate speech to entertainment and online dating. Besides these insights into communication science, we also published posts on the day-to-day challenges of young researchers: finding non-significant results, navigating the job market, sampling strategies, motivational issues, teaching, and learning new skills like coding.
We would like to thank all the bloggers that contributed to ComCom: Tom Dobber, Gauze Kitirattarkarn, Alyt Damstra, Sjifra de Leeuw, Joanna Strycharz, and Linda van den Heijkant for sharing their insights with us. In particular, we would like to thank the core blogger team: Marthe Möller, Zeph van Berlo, and Edina Strikovic.
We are looking forward to reading what’s to come and seeing ComCom grow and develop.
Happy reading!
Anna Brosius and Maria Altendorf