You've Got a Friend in Me: How Journalists Report on Political Sources
What determines politicians’ presence in the news? Why do we often read about some politicians but not about others? Politicians rely on...
What it’s Really Like To Do a Hackathon
If you search for “hacker” on Google, you will most likely come across images of people with hoodies, sitting in dark corners working on...
Next in Line! Analyzing Sequential Data Using a Markov Chain Approach
Busy or tired while texting a friend? You most likely have experienced making a glaring mistake at least once. After receiving lots of...
Why We Need to Talk Less about Climate Science (and Focus on Politics Instead)
After many decades of inaction, we have to face severe climate change. Yet, the most important question is not how bad it will get, but...
Online, Anonymous, and Rude?
One of the most prominent features of online platforms is that they allow individuals to comment on media content. Media users jump at...